We have several locations to accomodate our patients. Contact us to make appointment.
                                                 Fax: 765-644-4997
Business Office- 1537 S. Scatterfield Rd Anderson, IN 46016 
                                   Located in the White River Complex
                                  Monday-Thursday 9-5 and Friday 9-12  
                                  EFFECTIVE 9-1-14 NEW LOCATION              
Fishers/North-Indianapolis/Noblesville Area:
                                Community Health Pavilion Noblesville
                         9669 E. 146th Street, Suite 148, Noblesville,  IN, 46060

                               (Ist and 3rd Thursday of every month)

Indianapolis South Area:
               5145 South Meridian Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 
                     (1st, 2nd, 3rd,& 4th Tuesday of the month)
                      (2nd & 4th Thursday & 1 Friday a month )                                                       
Effective July 1, 2013 our Franklin office merged with our Indianapolis-South Area.

Now offering lunch hour appointments



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